How to choose the best moisturiser for your skin type?

How to choose the best moisturiser for your skin type?

Feb 24, 2023Géraldine Poukens

Embarking on a journey to radiant, healthy skin? The secret lies in a skincare essential that transcends vegan, Korean, or basic routines: the mighty moisturiser. Dermatologists are recommending a twice-daily application to keep the skin hydrated, moisturised, healthy and fresh.

Here's the catch – not all moisturisers are one-size-fits-all as not all moisturisers are ideal for every type of skin. When choosing your moisturiser, consider the formulation and ingredients to see if they are good for your skin type or not.

What is Moisturiser?

A moisturiser is the final flourish in your skincare routine. A hydrating face cream, that is the last skincare step to prevent skin dryness, must be applied on the face and neck as the last skincare step to prevent skin dryness.

Types of Moisturisers

Let’s dive in the three main types of moisturisers, for different skin types:

Emollients: To help improve the texture and appearance of the skin by filling its pores to make it look smoother you can count on the emollients. These are oil and lipid ingredients like ceramides, collagen, cocoa butter, lanolin, mineral oil, shea butter, and jojoba oil. 

Humectants: To ensure your skin stays replenished and hydrated, it needs humectants. Humectants hydrate the skin by drawing moisture from the air to the outer layers of the skin, the epidermis, and replenishing the skin. You will find it in ingredients like hyaluronic acid, lactic acid, glycerin, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), and urea.

Occlusives: To prevent moisture loss, you can count on the occlusives. These are found in oil ingredients like beeswax that give a skin form a protective layer, sealing in precious moisture and warding off dryness.

How to Choose the Right Moisturiser for your Skin Type?

Now, let's tackle the million-dollar question: How do you choose the best moisturiser for your skin type? Because for varying skin types, there are diverse types of moisturisers, which come in distinct textures and thicknesses.

Oily skin: Say hello to water-based, oil-free gel moisturisers – lightweight, non-greasy, humectant-based moisturisers, and perfect for acne-prone skin. Gel based moisturisers are the best moisturiser for oily skin because it contains no oil in it.

Dry skin: Creams take the stage, rich in both oil and water. Thick and luscious, they're a moisture powerhouse for your parched skin.

A cream is the best moisturiser for dryness. A moisturising cream contains both oil and water ingredients, humectants to draw in moisture and oil ingredients to retain moisture.

Normal skin: Lucky you! Your skin type can shine with and use any type of moisturiser.

Combination skin: Glycerin and hyaluronic acid-infused moisturisers strike the perfect balance for those with combination skin. These two ingredients will hydrate your skin while minimising oil production and unwanted shine.

Sensitive skin: People with sensitive skin should keep irritants at bay and let your skin breathe. For that, look for fragrance-free moisturisers that are paraben-free and not irritants.

Integrate your Moisturiser to your Skincare Routine.

Once you have picked up a moisturiser designed for your skin type, here's the skincare routine you need to follow. 

But before that, test the waters (or in this case, the moisturiser) with a patch test to dodge any allergic surprises. Before applying the moisturiser on your face to make sure it doesn't cause an allergic reaction, redness or breakouts.

Wash gently: Now, the routine can start, depending on your skin type, you should wash your face once or at least twice a day. Use a gentle cleanser and warm water – your skin's daily rendezvous.

Apply moisturiser to damp skin: Don't dry your skin completely after washing. Pat your face gently and then apply your moisturiser while your skin is still damp. This will help your skin absorb the product, locking in that extra moisture. However, if you have already dried your face, you can use a toner or a face mist before applying a moisturiser.

Wear SPF: Morning calls for sunscreen – your skin's armour against the day. Don't forget to apply your broad-spectrum sunscreen after you moisturise your skin  in the morning! Reapply moisturiser and your sunscreen as needed. 

Cracking the Moisturiser Code

Every skin type has its quirks and unique needs. No moisturiser is a one-stop-shop for all – the face moisturiser that soothes sensitive skin might not be the elixir for dry skin and similarly different from the best moisturiser for acne-prone skin. 

Therefore, tailoring your moisturiser to your skin type and the ingredients that minimises issues will have you looking and feeling fabulous. Keep an eye out for breakouts or rashes, and if they persist, stop using a product and seek a dermatologist's help. Your skin deserves nothing but the best!

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