Habits You Should Drop by 30 That Your Skin Will Thank You For

Habits You Should Drop by 30 That Your Skin Will Thank You For

Jun 26, 2024Géraldine Poukens

As you approach your 30s, your skin goes through some subtle yet significant changes. It's not as tough as it used to be in your 20s, and if you don't make some adjustments, signs of ageing might start creeping in. But don't worry, making a few changes can significantly improve your skin’s health. Here are some habits you can leave behind to keep your skin looking radiant in your 30s and beyond. These are some expert tips, tricks, and a personal touch to guide you on the right path.

Skipping Sunscreen

Why It's a Big No-No

Forgetting to wear sunscreen is one of the worst things you can do to your skin. Those UV rays not only give you nasty sunburns but also speed up the ageing process, cause dark spots, and even increase your chances of skin cancer.
What to Do Instead

Make sunscreen your new BFF. Grab one with a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, and slather it generously on all exposed areas, not just your face. Remember, those sneaky UV rays can even get through windows, so don't skip the sunscreen, even on cloudy days or when you're indoors.

Going to Bed Without Removing Makeup

Why It's a Big No-No

Hitting the hay without taking off your makeup is a recipe for disaster. It clogs up your pores, leading to breakouts and dull-looking skin. Plus, it stops your skin from doing its natural nighttime repair work, making those signs of ageing even more noticeable.

What to Do Instead

Create a nightly skincare routine that includes removing your makeup. Start with a gentle makeup remover to get rid of all traces, and then follow up with a cleanser to give your skin a fresh start. Your skin will thank you in the morning with a healthier, more vibrant glow.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Why It's a Big No-No

Drinking too much alcohol can really mess with your skin. It dehydrates it, making it dry and causing those pesky fine lines. Plus, it gives you a dull complexion and can make your blood vessels all red and irritated, especially if you have conditions like rosacea.

What to Do Instead

Instead of going overboard with the alcohol, try to limit your intake and make sure you're drinking plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. And when you do decide to indulge, opt for skin-friendly options like red wine, which actually has antioxidants in it. And don't forget to follow up with a good skincare routine to counteract the dehydration.


Why It's a Big No-No

Let's be real, smoking is just not cool. It messes with your skin big time. It speeds up the ageing process by breaking down collagen and elastin, those essential proteins that keep your skin firm and young-looking. On top of that, it reduces blood flow, depriving your skin of much-needed oxygen and nutrients.

What to Do Instead

If you're a smoker, it's time to kick the habit. Seriously, the benefits for your skin and overall health are huge. Once you quit, you'll start to see your skin gradually regain its natural colour and elasticity, making you look younger and healthier.

Ignoring Hydration

Why It's a Big No-No

Not drinking enough water is a major skin sin. Dehydration makes your skin look tired, dry, and more prone to wrinkles. It can even make existing skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis worse.

What to Do Instead

You gotta make hydration a priority. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and if you want to go the extra mile, chow down on hydrating foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and oranges. Oh, and don't forget to use a good moisturiser that suits your skin type to keep your skin hydrated from the outside.


Why It's a Big No-No

Exfoliation is great and all, but too much of a good thing can turn bad real quick. Overdoing it can actually damage your skin's protective barrier, leading to irritation, redness, and increased sensitivity.

What to Do Instead

Don't get carried away with exfoliation. Stick to doing it no more than twice a week, using a gentle scrub or a chemical exfoliant like AHAs or BHAs. And here's a pro tip: listen to your skin. If it starts feeling tight or irritated, take it as a sign to scale back on the exfoliation.

Poor Diet Choices

Why It's a Big No-No

Eating junk can wreak havoc on your skin. Too much sugar, refined carbs, and processed foods can cause inflammation, and breakouts, and speed up the ageing process through something called glycation, where sugar molecules mess with collagen and elastin.

What to Do Instead

Time to clean up your diet! Opt for a balanced eating plan that's rich in fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Foods high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can do wonders for your skin. Think berries, nuts, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon.

Neglecting Sleep

Why It's a Big No-No

Not getting enough sleep can really mess with your skin. When you don't catch those Zs, your body can't properly repair and regenerate skin cells. The result? Dark circles, puffy eyes, and a lacklustre complexion.

What to Do Instead

Aim for a solid 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night. Establish a bedtime routine that helps you relax, like reading a book, taking a soothing bath, or practising mindfulness. Trust me, your skin will thank you by looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

Not Managing Stress

Why It's a Big No-No

Stress is a total skin spoiler. When you're constantly stressed out, your body produces more cortisol, a hormone that can wreak havoc on your skin. It can cause breakouts, dryness, and all sorts of skin issues. Even conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis can worsen under stress.

What to Do Instead

There's a remedy for it! Make stress management a part of your daily routine. Get moving and exercise regularly, try out some yoga or meditation, and make time for activities you love. These little stress-busters can work wonders for your skin's condition.

Using Harsh Skincare Products

Why It's a Big No-No

Listen up, people! Harsh skincare products are a big no-no. Those with chemicals, alcohol, or strong fragrances can strip away your skin's natural oils, leaving it dry, irritated, and prone to breakouts. Yikes!

What to Do Instead

Opt for gentle skincare products that are specifically formulated for your skin type. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, and ceramides. They're like a magic potion for all skin types. And hey, always do a patch test before trying out new products to avoid any unwanted reactions.

Touching Your Face Frequently

Why It's a Big No-No

Hands off! Seriously, keep those hands away from your face. Throughout the day, your hands come into contact with all sorts of bacteria and germs. When you touch your face, you're basically transferring all that gunk onto your skin, leading to breakouts and infections. Gross!

What to Do Instead

If you absolutely need to touch your face, make sure your hands are squeaky clean. And hey, don't forget to regularly disinfect your phone too, because it's a breeding ground for bacteria that can easily find their way to your skin.

Forgetting to Moisturize

Why It's a Big No-No

Let's talk about hydration, shall we? Skipping moisturiser is a big skincare sin. It can leave your skin dry, flaky, and at a higher risk of premature ageing. Yes, even oily skin needs some TLC to maintain a healthy balance.

What to Do Instead

So, what's the solution? Apply a moisturiser that suits your skin type twice a day. If you have oily skin, go for a lightweight, non-comedogenic formula. Dry skin? Opt for richer, creamier moisturisers. This will help keep your skin hydrated and maintain its precious barrier function.

Skin-Saving Self-Care

Hey there, as you enter your 30s, it's the perfect time to take a step back and reassess your habits. Making a few changes can do wonders for your skin in the long run. By ditching some harmful habits and adopting healthier ones, you'll not only improve your skin's appearance but also boost your overall well-being. The best part? It's never too late to start taking care of your skin. So, say goodbye to those bad habits and get ready to embrace a new, radiant you! Trust me, your skin will thank you for it.

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