Why does Your Skin Look Dull and How to Make it Glow?

Why does Your Skin Look Dull and How to Make it Glow?

Jan 06, 2023Géraldine Poukens

Ever wondered why your skin lacks its former radiance, leaving you feeling dull and dehydrated? Welcome to the journey of vibrant, glowing skin.

Maintaining a radiant-looking skin can be an onerous endeavour, especially if you are hesitant about the reasons for dull skin.

Many factors can contribute to the lack of radiance but once you understand the causes of dull skin, you can restore its glow easily. Here are some reasons for dullness and what you can do to have a glowing face and body skin again.

What is Dull Skin?

Dull skin is characterised by a lack of radiance,  devoid of moisture, firmness of the skin, and that coveted glow. A buildup of dead skin cells on the skin's surface further adds to a dull skin tone which can appear lifeless and sallow-looking. In a nutshell, dull skin is the opposite of glowing, youthful-looking skin you desire.

Causes of dull skin

Dehydration - The elixir of life, water, is your skin's best friend. Not drinking enough water can cause dehydration which in turn decreases the volume of blood flow to the skin, making you look dull and pale. Failing to give your skin the hydration it needs can also cause damage such as breakouts, fine lines, sagging skin, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and more. Keep your skin hydrated with eight glasses of water a day and apply a hydrating face serum or a moisturiser for that extra oomph and keep the upper layers of your skin hydrated.

No Exfoliation - Skipping exfoliation spells trouble for your skin's vitality and is one of the most popular reasons for dull skin. Exfoliation helps to remove dry, dead skin cells and creates a fresh canvas that allows skincare to penetrate better into your skin. Scrubbing is one of the best ways to smoothen the skin’s surface and make it appear glowy. Use a mild exfoliator once or twice a week to remove oil, debris, and bacteria from the surface of your skin and reveal a rejuvenated complexion. Remember to be mindful, do not over-exfoliate as that can eradicate your skin’s protective layer, resulting in loss of moisture. This too can result in dull skin. Just don't overdo it.

Skipping Moisturisation - Dryness is the most common cause of dull skin. Skipping on moisturiser causes dead skin cells to build up and makes your complexion uneven. Hydration is the key to nourish and healthy skin, and to maintain an even complexion. Yes, even oily skin types need to moisturise regularly.

Sun Damage - Unprotected sun exposure impacts the top layers of your skin, breaks down the important proteins in your skin and damages the skin’s barrier resulting in dull and dry skin. As it wasn't enough, environmental aggressors like pollution could also be one of the causes of dull skin and signs of ageing. Hence, wear a cream with broad-spectrum SPF, even on cloudy days to protect your skin from the harsh UV rays and external aggressors. Preserved skin, youthful glow.

Smoking - Smoking steals your skin's vitality by impacting the production of collagen and degrading the elastic fibres of your skin. This can speed up the ageing process and contribute to dull skin. Stub out the habit to halt premature ageing and reclaim your skin's radiance. Try to reduce and eventually, quit smoking.

Beauty Sleep - A tired body is what causes dull skin. Anything that keeps you awake, including stress, stands between you and glowing skin. Prioritise your beauty sleep—your cells repair and regenerate themselves when you sleep and if that period is shortened or altered then they will not be able to perform at their optimum level. Make sure that you get about seven to nine hours of sleep per night. For added benefits and to achieve dewy, soft, and supple skin, we recommend applying a night cream regularly.

Sleeping with Makeup - Sleeping with makeup on suffocates your skin. Going to bed without removing makeup leads to the accumulation of dirt and debris on your skin’s surface, clogging your pores and making it appear dull. Leaving a layer of makeup on the skin can also prevent it from breathing and repairing itself as you sleep. Additionally, wearing makeup to bed can also lead to a nasty breakout and premature ageing. Make sure you’ve completely got rid of makeup, dirt and dust from your skin before sleeping. To do so, use a gentle cleanser and follow it up with a soothing face wash to refresh and revive your skin thoroughly. Embrace the nightly cleanse to let your skin breathe and renew itself while you slumber.

Ageing - As the years add up, so does the toll on your skin's radiance. 

Ageing is inevitable and as we move away from our most youthful years, our skin loses its radiance and firmness. Cell renewal slows down, collagen is distributed drop by drop, wrinkles suddenly appear and our complexion becomes dull. 

Embrace the natural ageing process with grace, armed with skincare allies to combat the signs of time.

Poor Diet - Your skin reflects your diet's health. An unbalanced diet low in fruits and vegetables can have harmful effects on the skin. Besides the lack of vitamins, your skin will suffer from glycation, a chemical reaction that results in sugar binding to proteins. 

In the long run, glycation will accelerate the ageing of the skin by preventing the proper development of collagen and microcirculation. Glycation is particularly strong in people who eat too much sugar or grilled meat. 

Fuel up with fruits, veggies, and antioxidants to combat glycation and keep your skin's glow intact.

Poor Blood Circulation - Ah, our blood—our body's very own courier service for oxygen, nutrients, and vitamins throughout our bodies. If the blood circulates poorly, our skin doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and nutrients it needs. Suddenly, our complexion is left craving those essential care, resulting in a sad, lacklustre appearance and then loses its glow and the characteristic pinky colour. After all, nobody likes a grumpy skin tone!

Winter - Cold and fresh air, wind when outside, warm and dry air, and heating when inside… It sounds like specific winter conditions and its harmful effects on our skin. Our skin can only suffer from excessive dehydration in such conditions. This is why hydrating your skin well in winter is so important!

Hormonal Imbalance - Hormones play a vital role for both our inner well-being and that of our skin. Oestrogen is essential for a rosy and fresh complexion while cortisol, the stress hormone, makes the complexion dull and prone to pimples if secreted in too large quantities.

When our hormones are well balanced, cell renewal, the health of our muscles and our general well-being is ensured. But when certain hormones are in overdrive or run low, our skin also suffers the consequences.

Stress - Stress is harmful to our skin. Cortisol, a hormone, naturally present in our bodies and usually secreted in reasonable quantities, begins to spread from the inside when we stress too much. The skin is then attacked by free radicals which harm our beautiful skin cells.

Even though it is not always possible, we should aim to control our stress levels as it is beneficial for our overall health, as well as for the skin.

Alcohol - On the extensive list of negative effects, alcohol is at the top of dehydration! Even if you have just one drink, it still severely dehydrates your body and especially your skin. Making it dry, amplifying the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines, and intensifying a dull complexion making it more visible.

10 Ways to Make Your Skin Glow

A Quick Face Massage - If you're feeling a bit under the weather, a brief facial massage can work wonders. Just two minutes of gentle massaging can instantly revitalise your appearance and provide long-term firming and contouring benefits. To get started, simply use your fingertips to massage a serum or oil into your skin before applying makeup.

Flipping your World Upside Down - Achieving that radiant complexion doesn't need to break the bank. Spending three minutes each day with your head tilted down is a fabulous secret for achieving that natural, luminous glow from within.

    Create Your Own Hydrating Mask - While for exfoliation and blemish control, it's best to rely on professionally made products, when it comes to hydration, your kitchen can be your ally. Whip up a moisturising mask right at home for the ultimate hydration boost. And LOVE Your-Self!

    Order of Skincare Routine - Apply toner before serum or moisturiser. While using a fantastic moisturiser is crucial for achieving glowing, healthy skin, what you apply before it matters just as much: toner. Toners have often been criticised for either being ineffective or overly harsh on the skin, but the latest generation is essential for hydrating and priming your skin.

    Add Vitamin C to Your Routine - Seek advice from any skincare expert, and they'll suggest a vitamin C serum for luminous skin. Apply 3 to 5 drops of vitamin C serum beneath SPF every morning to combat free radical damage, diminish dark spots, and promote even skin tone.

    Utilise makeup techniques - Glowing skin extends beyond your face; consistently apply highlighter on your décolletage.

    Clean Your Makeup Brushes - For makeup wearers, keeping your brushes clean is essential for healthier skin. Dirty brushes can accumulate bacteria and clog pores with debris.

    To clean them, apply a small amount of mild shampoo to each brush and add warm water. Gently rub the brush on your palm in circular motions, avoiding wetting the handle to preserve the glue. Rinse thoroughly and lay the brushes on a towel to dry.

    Invest in a Laser Treatment - Consider it if it fits within your budget.

    Relax - Literally cool down. Applying cold water or using frozen tools and products is a simple, quick method to immediately reduce facial puffiness and boost blood circulation.

    Indulge in a Leisurely Bath - relax, unwind, silence your phone, grab a book, pour your favourite drink, and enjoy being the focus of your world for 30 minutes

    Revel Your Glow

    Dull skin doesn't need to be your eternal fate even if it is a common dermatological complaint. Characterised by the loss of the healthy glow to the skin and the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and uneven skin tone, there are several ways to restore your skin glow. Stress, pollution, poor diet, lack of hydration, and certain lifestyle factors like smoking may cause your skin to appear dull but there are several ways to restore your skin glow.

    Armed with knowledge, adopting the right routine and taking the right steps, you can transform your dull skin into a radiant and luminous skin. Say hello to vibrant skin, and goodbye to dullness.

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