Five Reasons Why People Don't Use SPF

Aug 31, 2022Noman Akram

During the beautiful time of holidays, many seek to relax by the sea and want to get tanned. Tanning has some advantages - it smooths out all skin imperfections since it adds glow and helps to stock up on Vitamin D.

Tanning is gorgeous; still, without adequate sun protection, you risk several very unpleasant skin problems: sunburn and, of course, skin cancer, among the worst and more severe effects.

Even if sun protection should be topical all year round, sunscreen becomes relevant for everyone in summer. Some people do not have enough or no sun protection when sun exposure for several hours.

One of the main rules of safe tanning is to sunbathe in the early morning and after 16:00 approximately. At this time, the UV index is not as high. UV Index is important to define the line between "useful" and "harmful" sun. Based on a parameter, The Ultraviolet Index - UV index - helps establish the level of solar radiation on the Earth's surface.

The World Health Organisation recommends protecting our skin from the sun when the UVI is 3 or higher. The higher the UV Index, the faster your skin can get tanned or burned.

Ensure the UV Index is not over 5, which could cause skin sensitivity and lead to skin burns, as it can increase the risk of skin cancer. The best UV index for tanning is between 2 and 5, depending on your skin type. If you use a smartphone, your weather app will probably display up-to-date information about the current UV index.

Choosing The Right Sunscreen.

To find the right sunscreen, you need to consider several factors: your age, lifestyle, skin condition, your phototype and UV Index in your area.

Choosing products with high protection is better for fair skin that turns red quickly. People with "sun allergies" (red spots that look like a rash appear after the sun) should use the maximum block (SPF 50 and 50+).

Young and mature skin up to 30-35 years old is protected from the sun much better than at an older age, so protection needs to be high. Concerning lifestyle, it's one thing if you spend all day indoors and another if you walk around all day long.

Another query we often hear is: does sunscreen expire? From one year to the next, many people want to reuse the sunscreen from the previous year. But does it still protect as much from the sun's rays?

Like many cosmetic products, sunscreen has a PAO, a Period After Opening, of generally one year. Still, it is valid under normal and recommended storage conditions: cool, dry place, away from heat.

However, our sunscreen pot is often left in direct sunlight, in the sand, or in our overheated car. Thus, a sunscreen that is too old could see its protective qualities altered.

Why do so few people apply sunscreen every day? Many are looking for excuses for themselves, answering the question, "Why don't you use SPF protection?".

The most popular answers to your questions:

1 I work indoors

If you are staying at home, you are protected against UVB, that does not pass through the windows, but not against UVA, which will be there, especially if you stay near a window. Wearing sunscreen is thus recommended in – and outside.

2 SPF is toxic

Cosmetic products, including sun protection products, are subject to stringent regulations, which are closely controlled by European health authorities. All cosmetic products and ingredients on the market are therefore safe for health. Among cosmetic ingredients, sunscreens are also subject to additional specific supervision: given their significant role in health, the Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety (CSSC), an independent body attached to the Commission European Union, regularly verifies in depth their effectiveness and safety.

Now, companies also propose sunscreens protecting the coral and preventing the residue from attacking them after our dip in the sea.

3 Today it's raining and cloudys, no sun

UV rays are present every day of the year, in all climates, even in the shade, producing many free radicals. Harmful to the body, these are responsible for various cellular dysfunctions (which can, in the most severe cases, lead to skin cancer) and premature skin ageing. Wrinkles and spots will thus appear quicker on the skin of people who do not protect themselves from UV rays. The weather, especially in summer, changes very quickly, so do not neglect protection during this period.

4 My skin does not burn

People with skins getting tanned quickly think they can do without sunscreen. It's a received idea; they, too, must protect themselves from UV rays as they are even more prone to hyperpigmentation than fair skins. It is better to play it safe and apply a cream, especially since SPF helps not only from sunburn.

The SPF is not the main "trick" of such creams. Like other care products, they satisfy the skin's basic needs: maintain a comfortable level of moisture, mattify, and saturate the epidermis with beneficial ingredients.

5 My cream already has SPF

In most cases, the percentage of SPF in day creams and foundations is so minimal that it does not protect fully from sun rays and is not intended for prolonged exposure to the sun. The components in the creams and foundations are more aimed at combating photoaging.

Use sunscreen, which can offer optimal protection and comfort since it includes infrared filters that reduce overheating.

Your lips also need SPF.

Now, when you really need to be well protected, when you know that you will be spending time outdoors during the summer, don't forget to protect your lips.

Lips have no melanin, and the skin is thinner than other body parts, making them especially vulnerable to sun damage. 

Our favourite choice is MaGéAu Naturel Lip Balm which is vegan, completely cruelty-free, protects against the sun with its SPF 30, moisturizes dry lips, and heals chapped lips. Enjoy 100% natural and vegan ingredients that utilize the power of nature to nourish and soothe your smile. 

Regardless of gender and skin tone, SPF will become your best friend and eternal companion wherever you go. SPF is an indispensable product for daily use, which should be applied regularly so that the skin is constantly protected from the sun.

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