How to Choose The Best Moisturiser for Your Dry Skin?

How to Choose The Best Moisturiser for Your Dry Skin?

Mar 10, 2023Géraldine Poukens

If you have dry skin, know it is familiar and that you are at the right place!

When it comes to soothing dry skin, finding the perfect “moisturiser” is exactly what you need to release the tightness. But the most important question here is how to find the best moisturiser for your dry skin?

Today there are hundreds of thousands of options in the market but sometimes having too many choices is overwhelming and creates confusion. We have dug further and looked into details for you to help you find the best moisturiser for your dry skin and unveil the secrets to finding the ideal hand lotion for your parched skin. Ready? Steady? Read further.

What is dry skin?

Dry skin is a relentless, very common skin condition that affects people of all ages. Dry skin leaves the skin feeling rough, itchy, flaky and scaly. The location of these dry patches varies from person to person.

Figuring out why your skin is dry is actually very tricky as the causes of dry skin can stem from a variety of sources, including extreme hot or cold weather, ageing, chronic skin conditions, even long and hot showers can have a drying effect on your skin.

    What moisturisers contain?

    Moisturisers are our saviour in case of dry skin as their formula is designed to combat dryness. From water to humectants and emollients, each ingredient plays a crucial role in replenishing moisture and restoring skin health.

    Water - The first most common ingredient that moisturisers contain is oil-in-water emulsion. Instead of plain water skin care brands use oil-in-water as it helps trap the water in your skin and keep the skin hydrated. While plain water tends to evaporate faster leaving your skin dry again in no time.

    Humectants - The second ingredient present in moisturisers is humectant. The best thing about humectants is they are water-loving ingredients. They absorb water from an external source, the environment, or an internal source, the deeper layer of skin (the dermis).

    Emollients - Is a must have ingredient if you have dry skin. Their purpose is to smooth and soften the skin by repairing and protecting your skin while limiting water loss.

    Different moisturiser types for dry skin?

    A quality moisturiser is essential for maintaining healthy skin, yet what constitutes "quality" differs from one individual to another. Specifically concerning dry skin, not all moisturisers will effectively address your skin's needs. Factors such as the extent of dehydration, seasonal variations, especially during colder months, compatibility of ingredients with your skin type, and budget constraints all play a role. When seeking the ideal moisturiser for your needs, it's crucial to also evaluate its texture.

    Heavy moisturiser - Heavy moisturisers work best for dry skin. It will be more helpful for your dry skin if they contain antioxidants and oils.
    Cream or ointment - Creams and ointments work better than lotions if you have dry skin.
    Moisturiser with SPF - Exposure to the sun dries skin, and even more if not protected. Use a moisturiser that contains SPF to protect your skin from UV rays. SPF will not only lock the moisture but also protect against sunburn, reducing skin-ageing and flakiness.

    What are the ingredients to release my dry skin?

    If you have dry skin, you're likely familiar with how dry and cold air can intensify the uncomfortable feeling of tight skin. Given the uniqueness of every skin type, the trial-and-error approach is unavoidable. Not all ingredients are suitable for replenishing moisture in dry skin. To provide clarity, we consulted dermatologists to identify which ingredients you should prioritise and which ones to steer clear of when dealing with dry skin. Here is the breakdown: The Beneficial, the Unsuitable, and the Harmful...

    The Beneficial

    Niacinamide - Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, is a versatile ingredient that offers numerous benefits for all skin types. It improves surface texture, smoothens the skin, and helps repair fine lines by promoting collagen synthesis. Particularly beneficial for dry skin, niacinamide helps maintain hydration, supports the skin's natural moisture barrier, and reduces transepidermal water loss. Incorporating niacinamide into a regular skincare routine can lead to a complexion that appears firm, smooth, and evenly textured, making it a vital nutrient for overall skin health, especially for individuals with dry skin.

    Shea Butter - Shea butter, derived from the nuts of the Shea tree, has been shown through research to significantly improve dry skin and eczema by restoring moisture. It serves as a creamy emollient recommended for hydrating dry skin, especially below the neck. Shea butter's skin-softening and soothing effects make it ideal for addressing dryness, itchiness, and flakiness when applied topically. In creams, Shea butter plays a key role as an excellent emollient that not only hydrates but also creates a protective barrier to retain moisture. Rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, Shea butter helps improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity while offering anti-inflammatory benefits, making it particularly beneficial for very dry and irritated skin types.

    Glycerin - Glycerin, a common ingredient in skincare products, effectively smooths and moisturises the skin, offering relief from dryness and proving beneficial for conditions like atopic dermatitis. Often found in various moisturising products like face creams and body moisturisers, glycerin serves as a natural humectant, drawing moisture into the skin to keep it hydrated. Its syrup-like consistency makes it ideal for locking in moisture, particularly beneficial for dry or cracked skin conditions. Glycerin forms a protective coating on the skin, preventing water loss, and promotes skin softness by aiding in the shedding of dead and damaged surface skin cells.

    Urea - Urea, utilised in dermatology for over two decades, is effective in treating conditions like psoriasis and extremely dry skin. As a component of the skin's natural moisturising factor, urea aids in maintaining the skin's moisture barrier and serves as both an emollient and humectant in skincare formulations for dry skin. At higher concentrations, urea acts as a keratolytic agent, facilitating the removal of dead skin cells and offering exfoliating benefits, particularly suitable for flaky or scaly skin. Despite its common use among dermatologists, urea is often overlooked by consumers as a beneficial humectant. It can be found in various skincare products such as moisturisers and body lotions.Urea, utilised in dermatology for over two decades, is effective in treating conditions like psoriasis and extremely dry skin. As a component of the skin's natural moisturising factor, urea aids in maintaining the skin's moisture barrier and serves as both an emollient and humectant in skincare formulations for dry skin. At higher concentrations, urea acts as a keratolytic agent, facilitating the removal of dead skin cells and offering exfoliating benefits, particularly suitable for flaky or scaly skin. Despite its common use among dermatologists, urea is often overlooked by consumers as a beneficial humectant. It can be found in various skincare products such as moisturisers and body lotions. 

    The Harmful

    Denatured Alcohols - Alcohol denat, commonly found in mattifying products, primarily serves formulation purposes but lacks positive effects on the skin. Unlike fatty alcohols, denatured alcohols can dehydrate the skin by pulling water from within, potentially disrupting the skin barrier. For individuals with dry or sensitive skin, avoiding products containing alcohol denat is advisable, as it can exacerbate dryness and irritation, particularly in those prone to rosacea. Keep an eye out for this ingredient, especially in cosmetics, and opt for alternatives that do not contain denatured alcohols, such as SD Alcohol 40, Ethanol, and Isopropyl Alcohol, to maintain skin health and hydration.

    Benzoyl Peroxide - While benzoyl peroxide is highly effective for treating acne, it can also cause itching, peeling, and irritation, particularly for individuals with dry or sensitive skin. Although it's not entirely off-limits, caution is advised when using products containing benzoyl peroxide, as it can exacerbate skin sensitivities. For acne-prone individuals, benzoyl peroxide can still be beneficial, especially in lower concentrations like four percent, but consulting a dermatologist is recommended to determine the best course of treatment based on individual skin needs and sensitivities.

    Understanding dry skin to embrace softness

    When it comes to choosing a moisturiser for dry skin, choosing the right moisturiser is an art form. Look for products that contain ingredients that have hydrating, anti-inflammatory, emollient, cell renewal, repairing and healing properties that will work best for your dry skin, like MaGéAu Naturel's hand lotion.

    With its 100% natural moisturising, hydrating and repairing ingredients it keeps your hands and feet moisturised and hydrated no matter the season! The best thing about MaGéAu Naturel's hand lotion is that it’s gender neutral and is 100% safe for all skin types and skin tones, thus for the whole family. embrace the softness, dear reader, and embark on a journey to silky, smooth hands with MaGéAu Naturel's hand lotion by your side.

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