Understanding the Causes of Cracked Hands | Detailed Analysis

Understanding the Causes of Cracked Hands | Detailed Analysis

Apr 15, 2023Plabon Bhuiya

Cracked skin could just be dryness on the hands, heels of the feet, or lips, indicating a need for hydration and moisture. Yet, it could also serve as a potential indicator of infection or underlying medical condition. These concerns also occur due to a variety of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis which can also be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.  

Understanding the root causes of cracked skin on hands, feet, and lips  is the first step toward reclaiming the soft, supple hands we all deserve.

What are cracked hands?

Cracked hands are reminding us of our vulnerability to the elements with the painful side effect of our skin being dry, rough, and fissured. Cracked hands can be both uncomfortable and unsightly, and may even bleed or become infected in severe cases.

What are the Symptoms of Cracked Skin?

Cracked skin comes with a formidable painful variety of symptoms, depending on the severity and location of the condition. Here are some common symptoms of cracked skin:

  • Dryness - Cracked skin feels dry and rough to the touch.
  • Redness - Inflammation and redness may signal the affected area.
  • Itching - Itchy and scratchy are irritating companions.
  • Pain - Cracked skin induces pain, especially when the cracks are deep or bleed.
  • Bleeding - In severe cases, cracked skin may bleed, heightening the urgency for relief.
  • Infection - Cracked skin makes you more subject to infection, especially if the skin is open and bleeding.
  • Scaling or peeling - The skin may start to scale or peel in areas where it is cracked, revealing the extent of its distress.

What Causes Cracked Hands?

Cracked hands are a common condition that can be both uncomfortable and unsightly. In order to effectively treat and prevent cracked hands, it is important to understand the underlying causes. Here are some of the most common causes of cracked hands:

  • Cold weather - During the winter months, cold, dry air robs our hands of moisture causing the skin on your hands to become dry and cracked. Additionally, exposure to cold temperatures can cause the blood vessels in your hands to constrict, reducing blood flow and making the skin more susceptible to cracking. Leaving our hands vulnerable to cracking and discomfort.
  • Frequent hand washing - While cleanliness and washing our hands frequently prevent the spread of germs, it can also strip the skin of its natural oils and moisture, leading to dryness and cracking.
  • Harsh chemicals - Exposure to harsh chemicals like cleaning products, solvents, and even soaps and hand sanitizers can irritate the skin on your hands and cause it to become dry, cracked, and even painful.
  • Age - Ageing gracefully may be our goal, but ageing skin is less forgiving. With time, our skin naturally loses its elastic and is more prone to dryness and cracking. Exacerbated by environmental factors like cold weather and exposure to harsh chemicals.
  • Medical conditions - Medical conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and diabetes also contribute to dry, cracked skin on the hands. Leaving an impact on our skin's well-being.
  • Dehydration - Neglecting our water intake causes our skin to become dehydrated, making it prone to dryness and cracking.
  • Overuse of hand sanitizer - The rise of hand sanitizer use since COVID-19, is very drying and irritating to the skin. While hand sanitizer is an effective way to kill germs, its frequent utilisation leaves our skin very dry and irritated.
  • Genetics - Due to genetic factors, some of us are predisposed to dry skin and cracking, courtesy of our genetic inheritance.

Embracing Solution

To gain back our healthy, smooth and soft hands, knowledge is our greatest asset. 

Let's be honest, cracked skin is uncomfortable, unsightly, painful and leads to infection if left untreated. Cracked hands can be caused by a variety of factors, ranging from environmental conditions to medical conditions or genetics. 

By identifying the underlying cause of your cracked hands, you can take steps for effective treatment and prevention. This may include using a high-quality hand cream like MaGéAu Naturel's hand lotion made up of 100% natural ingredients which maintains the health and vitality of your skin. Additionally the hand lotion is infused with magnesium that replenishes and soothes the skin, enhancing moisture levels and protecting against rapid ageing. It also protects against external damage through regeneration and repair of your skin cells. 

Apply it and you'll notice your hands much younger, hydrated, moisturised, soothed, and protected.  Visit our website and place your order now.


Note: If you are experiencing symptoms of cracked skin, it is important to seek medical attention to determine the underlying cause and to develop an appropriate treatment plan.


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