What is Elastin?

What is Elastin?

Feb 22, 2023Plabon Bhuiya

Ever wondered how your face effortlessly transitions through a myriad of expressions throughout the day? From scrunching your lips for a kiss to squinting your eyes to laughing, our face creates a whole range of dynamic expressions for every moment of the day. All thanks to elastin, an essential protein set up in skin, cartilage, and connective tissues that allows skin and ligaments to stretch and snap back into shape. 

Although you cannot escape from fine lines and wrinkles, you can learn to delay them. So, how does elastane keep skin strong, flexible, smooth, and healthy?

What Exactly is Elastin?

The answer is in its name, elastin, elasticity. Elastin is the backbone of your skin's ability to bounce back and retain its shape, a protein that aids in skin’s flexibility and connective tissues. It frequently works with collagen which is another probative protein responsible for skin texture and shape. Elastin fibres allow, tirelessly, tissues to flex back into shape after they move to keep your skin firm, smooth, and vibrant. The fibres are like small coils or springs. As you move, they decompress and rewind to stretch and restore the towel to its normal state. Bid farewell to fine lines and wrinkles; elastin is here to the rescue!  Learn how elastin fibres snap your skin back into shape, leaving you with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Where is Eelastin Set Up in the Body? 

Imagine elastin, naturally produced in the tissues of your body, as the invisible hand that keeps your skin supple and elastic. From the dermis (the middle subcaste of your skin) to tendons and ligaments, bladder wall or lungs and blood vessels, elastin is your body's structural support system.

Some of these tissues, similar to the bladder wall, contain small quantities of elastin. Others, like your skin, contain further to stay supple.

How does Elastin Contribute to Skin Health? 

While collagen provides the foundation of your skin's structure, elastin takes the lead in flexibility and resilience, both considered a measure of healthy skin. This dynamic duo of skincare proteins collaborate to give your skin its youthful vitality, promote crack and scar mending, smooth out skin tone and texture, reduce wrinkles and maintain skin’s structural integrity.

Elastin fibres snap skin back into shape, leaving your skin looking firm, elastic and healthy, and you with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

What’s the Difference Between Elastin and Collagen?

While both elastin and collagen are proteins frequently substantiated together, their functions are veritably different. Both play a veritably important part in skin health; collagen, located in the hypodermis (inner subcaste) of the skin, it affords strength and provides the foundation of your skin's structure whereas elastin, located closer to the face than collagen, affords flexibility and resilience. 

Elastic fibres allow skin to stretch and contract before snapping back to its original form. This rubber band- suchlike function is essential for showing feelings through expressions. 

Discover the dynamic duo of skincare proteins and how they collaborate to give your skin its youthful vitality. Say hello to firmness and elasticity, courtesy of elastin's remarkable flexibility!

What Causes Elastin Production to Drop?

Elastin is one of the longest-lasting structures in our body. Elastin’s half-life point only hits when we are around 74 years old. 

Damage caused to elastin is much more delicate to heal, particularly because there's only one gene that produces tropoelastin, the structure block needed to produce elastin. 

While internal factors associated with genetics and ageing can beget early elastin declination, external factors, similar as pollution or sun exposure, are the main lawbreakers behind the declination of healthy elastin and dropped elastin product well before we reach our seventies.

How to Improve Elastin Production?

As we age, our body's elastin production takes a nosedive. Our body’s elastin production remains high until puberty. After puberty, the production drops sprucely, wishing out nearly entirely when reaching middle age. Still, simple yet effective strategies to boost elastin production and maintain skin flexibility. Embrace the radiant glow of youthful elasticity!

Healthy Diet - Eating a diet filled with healthy proteins and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables support the growth of elastin as we age. It also prevents our body from losing elastin.

Sun Protection - The sun is one of skin’s biggest adversaries. UVA and UVB shafts damage elastin fibres, leading to dry, wrinkled and saggy skin. Sun exposure may also lead to skin cancer and worsen skin ageing. Applying sunscreen and SPF lip balm (at least a 30 SPF) each day is a must-have. Avoiding extended sun exposure, wearing a wide-brimmed chapeau will only be beneficial.

Avoid Toxic Substances - Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes damage elastin fibres in skin cells. Regular consumption of alcohol causes skin to become dry and wrinkled. That’s because alcohol slows down elastin and collagen production, which deprives skin of its natural gleam.

Exercise Regularly - Exercising daily isn't only good for your cardiovascular health but also improves blood inflow.  Those who exercise regularly have an advanced elastin content situation, compared to those who do not. Exercise also helps manage stress, which reduces cortisol and saves collagen and elastin fibres in the skin.

Restore Your Natural Glow

Elastin is a crucial element of healthy, youngish-looking skin. While your body’s elastin production trails off as you age, a healthy lifestyle can help restore the body's elastin fibres that keeps skin supple. 

Elevate your skincare routine and unveil the secret to timeless beauty with elastin-infused skincare that rejuvenates cells and prevents ageing. Let your skin radiate with vitality, resilience, and youthful charm using skincare that moisturises, and protects from sun damage. Experience the MaGéAu Naturel difference and embark on a journey to revitalised, glowing skin!

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